Edwin Morgan: Opening the Cage. 14 variations on 14 words
I have nothing to say and is that nothig and am I saying it
I am and I have poetry to say and is that nothing saying it
I am nothing and I have poetry to say and that is saying it
I that am saying poetry have nothing and it is I and to say
And I say that I am to have poetry and saying it is nothing
I am poetry and nothing and saying it is to say that I have
To have nothing is poetry and I am saying that and I say it
Poetry is saying I have nothing and I am to say that and it
Saying nothing I am poetry and I have to say that and it is
It is and I am and I have poetry saying say that to nothing
It is saying poetry to nothing and I say I have and am that
Poetry is saying I have it and I am nothing and to say that
And that nothing is poetry I am saying and I have to say it
Saying poetry is nothing and to that I say I am and have it
2 komentarze:
Animal farm:
Żuk: Drozd, czy ty się kąpałaś na środku łazienki?
Drozd: No bo ja jestem foką. Ou! Ou!
Żuk: I boso chodzisz po tym.
Drozd: po [ ] ym?
Źródło komizmu: ezopowy dialog dwóch zwierzątek? A może mroczny sekret anegdotki z przeszłości?
to był dla ciebie post! byś sam coś napisał i na bloga wrzucił zamiast cytować drozdowożuczą paplaninę. ileż można czekać?
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